Almost every weekend you can find me with a group of friends kayaking out of Marina Del Rey California. Last weekend I led 12 of us on a 20 mile paddle. We paddled 10 miles to the famous Gladstone’s restaurant in Malibu, had lunch and paddled back. A tiring but incredible day. More on that paddle another day.
Most weekends are not quite that ambitious. We usually paddle half that distance to the Santa Monica Pier, take a break, tell bad jokes, and then paddle back. It is a great group and we have even celebrated birthdays out there. And now you can read about it.
Once in a while I get inspired to write about these experiences and display my photos from these paddles. People do not realize how much wildlife is right outside their urban door. I am grateful that Peter Donohue of California Kayaker Magazine selected my article about how much fun it is to paddle in Santa Monica Bay. Check out his great magazine online at! It is issue #9 and starts on page 23. Enjoy!