Ich War In Berliner (I was in Berlin)

Not Ich Bin Ein Berliner (I am a Berliner) a phrase made famous by John F. Kennedy when he stood in front of the Berlin Wall, but Ich War In Berliner (I was in Berlin). Recently my wife Diane and I traveled to Berlin and Budapest for a holiday. Berlin is a vibrant city but […]

Is it Safe?

One of the first questions I get asked when people are planning a trip with me is – Is it safe? I tell them yes it is very safe. And I tell them why including the fact that not only are the people so warm and friendly but tourism is very important to the economy […]

John Goddard, One of the Great Adventurers’ of Our Time

A good friend of mine, John Goddard died last month. I have been trying to find the right words to write about a legend, but more importantly a great man. Factually it is easy. John was a world-renowned adventurer, explorer, author, lecturer and as the LA Times described him: “The real-life Indiana Jones.” At age […]

The Dogs of Chile

Those who know me know I love dogs. The love may not be a strong enough term. I am obsessed with dogs particularly my dog the famous “Heidi Feldstein” – actress and writer (you can read her deathless prose here). Whenever I am traveling I always miss her (oh yeah and my wife) and so […]