Is it Safe to Travel to Tanzania?

A few weeks ago a suicide truck bomb exploded in Somalia.  It killed an estimated 70 people, including students hoping for foreign scholarships.  The group taking responsibility for the bombing is called Shabab.  They are affiliated with Al Queida.  It is a terrible tragedy without meaning or justification. It also means that I will get […]

Does the Circle of Life Hold a Fascination for People? Ask The Lion King

Several years ago when my wife was still working at the Los Angeles Times we obtained tickets to see a Broadway performance of The Lion King. How good was it? Let’s just say that if they stopped the show after the opening number with all the dancers in animal masks coming onto the stage I […]

Another Species Disappears

  A couple of years ago I had the privilege of traveling to West Africa (Benin, Togo & Burkina Faso) to observe voodoo practices. I was able to witness some incredible things. But one of the things I noticed was that there was no wildlife around. All of it appeared to have been killed for […]

It’s KILI week

The highest mountain in Africa is probably, next to wildlife viewing, is one of Tanzania’s greatest attraction. It is actually a dormant volcano and stands nearly 6000 meters (over 19,000 feet to you non-metric folks) above sea level and is the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. Every year, about 20,000 people try to reach […]