Now that the year is winding down it is time to think “what calendar should I hang on the wall?” How about a calendar from
Why you ask? Check out the month of May. Yes, I am Mr. May! Well not really (which I am sure you are happy about, but I am proud to say that my photo, taken when paddling the Elkhorn Slough in Moss Landing, California, was chosen as the May photo for the calendar.
This was truly one of those lucky shots. I was paddling in the slough (an amazing place to see birds, otters and other great wildlife in CA) and this beautiful otter came to visit. Unfortunately I had my telephoto lens on my camera and he was too close to get a shot.
So there I was slowly changing lenses (so as not to scare him and so as not to have my new expensive lens end up at the bottom of the slough) and calmly talking to him asking him to stay. And stay he did for which I am eternally grateful. I truly think he did love kayakers!