If you ever get depressed by the state of the world take a breath, let the moment pass and you will come across someone doing something positive and wonderful.
I received a call a couple of weeks ago from a delightful couple, Karin and Roger Doolin who are professional photographers from the Midwest. They called me to help them arrange a safari after they have completed a project they will be working on in Kenya.
Karen Doolin
They have created an organization called “The Big Picture Project” whose motto is “Give A Person A Camera-Share Their Story-Change Their World.” Their concept is simple yet elegant. Give cameras to people who have never had a chance to cultivate their creativity, allow them to share their own story through the medium of photography, and through those photos allow people to learn about their stories and their lives beyond what you see on the surface. They then offer the prints for sale that these people have taken and the proceeds are then donated back to the community. They have done this in Nicaragua and now are headed to Kenya with A Voice Is Heard who I worked with on my water well project.
Roger Doolin
I can’t wait to see what my Maasai friends come up when a digital camera is put in their hands! And I will not be surprised if I have a print from this project hanging in my office someday.
And I can’t wait to introduce Karen & Roger to the beauty that is Africa!