I have been very fortunate to have some incredible experiences because of Infinite Safari Adventures. I have traveled to some of the most beautiful places in the world, have been honored with awards, have had my heart warmed by clients who have thanked me for the transformative experiences they had on safari (just read Trip Advisor for a few). I have also met some amazing people.
This past Friday I had another honor and wonderful experience bestowed upon me. I was invited to Washington DC to meet with Madam Liberata Mulamula, the Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States and the Honorable Lazaro S. Nyalandu, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism to participate in a small roundtable discussion on how to better promote Tanzania to the U.S. and learn more about what is happening in Tanzania regarding wildlife and tourism.
I was very happy to reconnect with Ambassador Mulamula and her staff. I was particularly honored and impressed to meet Minister Nyalandu. He spoke honestly and forthrightly about what Tanzania has accomplished, how to accomplish more and what needs to happen to increase tourism in Tanzania and to make sure it is the best experience possible. He addressed the Serengeti Highway (not happening), poaching (he has purchased more helicopters, conducted census for elephants, buffalo and rhino, and is working with U.S. military to assist the rangers) and he has formed a new agency, the Tanzania Wildlife Authority, who will have more authority and autonomy to address conservation issues. In short he is a passionate, energetic Minister of Parliament who has some wonderful ideas. He addressed our problems and concerns head on. With his leadership we have someone who understands how essential it is to insure that wildlife will flourish and be in Tanzania for generations to come.
It was quite a heady experience to be included in this select group of people. Infinite Safari Adventures is not yet 5 years old but we have accomplished a lot – more than most companies three times our age. And it reinforced my commitment to deliver the best safari experience for our clients, to take care of every detail, to give back and share my passion for Africa. Thank you Minister Nyalandu and Ambassador Mulamula.