They Get Along – Why Can’t We?

You can see many unique things while on safari. There are a wide variety of animals to watch and observe. One, recently sighted in Tarangire National Park, where we send many clients on safari is very unique. A rare white giraffe (maybe the only one in the world) with a genetic condition, where many of […]


Sherri & Karen’s Excellent Safari Adventure

PART FIVE Off To Tanzania! Back to their adventure. After Rwanda it was time to go see wildlife in Tanzania. Tune in as we go with Sherri & Karen to Tarangire National Park where the second densest population of elephants reside. Enjoy! Saturday, Oct 18 4:00 a.m. wake up, 6:00 a.m. flight from Kigali Airport […]


Wanderlust Wednesdays: Tarangire National Park by Julie Cheng

Here is the second of Julie’s awesome blogs.  Read about her time in Zanzibar.  She captures perfectly how much fun it is.  You can also read more about her time in Afrcia at www.sweetlybalanced.com.  Thanks again Julie!  I could not have said it better myself! Wanderlust Wednesdays: Tarangire National Park by Julie Cheng For those of […]