The Well Is Up & Running

A Reflection As I have previously written we first had to find a new location for the well, and then we drilled the well, hit a lot water and put the well in. The one thing that was not done while I was in Kenya was to do a pressure test on the well to […]

Time To Hand The Well To The Community

After drilling through rock, hitting water and putting the casings down the well it was then capped off. This was done until a pump test could be conducted which shows the volume of water that flows (they estimate it will be between 25-30 cubic meters per hour – one of the largest in the area) […]

Maji Ni Uhai! Water Is Life! Part 3

We Hit Water! A lot of water! Prior to the well being drilled a survey was done which showed areas that we were likely to hit water. That is why we chose this area. Well (no pun intended) we hit water. A lot of water. We had arrived at the site in the morning but […]

Maji Ni Uhai! Water Is Life! Part 2

Let The Drilling Begin! The area that we have decided to drill in is in the Namelok District near Amboseli National Park in Kenya. It is an area known as Noonkotiak. There are over 500 people in this community and water is far away and hard to get. Thus this is a great location to […]

Maji Ni Uhai! Water Is Life! Part 1

Finding A Location – First Problem Solved Last week I posted a blog item about my promise to the women of the Ongata/Rongai area to drill a water well for them. As I write this I am sitting at the fantastic Kibo Safari Lodge having spent the last several days drilling a well. This will […]

Maji Ni Uhai! Water Is Life!

A Promise Fulfilled Three years ago I made a promise to the women of the Ongata/Rongai area where my Rafiki Patrick who I have written extensively about is from. I learned that they walk 6km (3.8 miles) everyday for water. I felt I needed to fix that but I wanted to not just come in […]

Going For The Maasai Gold!

I love the Maasai. They are a group of people you can learn a lot from. They look out for each other. Help each other with no expectation of reward in return and they easily laugh. They are also a brave group of people and as they graze their cattle in the bush there is […]


Adorn Your Dog With A Maasai Beaded Dog Collar

They Are Here! Several years ago when I was in Africa hanging out with my good friend Patrick we decided to start a small business together. Patrick, a Maasai warrior, wanted to help out the women of his village who must walk 6km to get water everyday. That is just who Patrick is and it’s […]