Another Lesson Learned From Being In Africa

I have recently had the pleasure of getting to know Anna Martin, a lawyer who lives up in the Lake Tahoe area. She has a daughter who is applying for college and had spent some time in West Africa. Because of my passion for Africa, Anna was kind enough to share her daughter Julianna Gordon’s […]


Wanderlust Wednesdays: Tarangire National Park by Julie Cheng

Here is the second of Julie’s awesome blogs.  Read about her time in Zanzibar.  She captures perfectly how much fun it is.  You can also read more about her time in Afrcia at www.sweetlybalanced.com.  Thanks again Julie!  I could not have said it better myself! Wanderlust Wednesdays: Tarangire National Park by Julie Cheng For those of […]

Wanderlust Wednesdays: Zanzibar, Tanzania by Julie Cheng

Well you heard from Danae about her experiences.  Next up is Julie Cheng.  Julie and her new fiancee (you did not tell me Julie – Congrats!) went on a mini trip with us before meeting up with friends who are in the Peace Corps in Tanzania.  We took them to Zanzibar and Tarangire National Park. […]

African Adventure by Danae Kawamoto

From time to time I have clients write about their experience on Safari.  I am always amazed by the effect of a trip to Africa can have on people and how well they write about it.  This is the first in a series of 3 guest blogs from my clients This year, I had the […]