Several months ago I was interviewed by freelance writer Abe Peck on a story he was doing about “Peter Pan Boomers” about aging baby boomers (of which I am one) who want some adventure but also to be comfortable.
You can read the article by clicking HERE
I can remember the exact day he interviewed me as I was on my way to see clients who are boomers who are traveling in September to see Gorillas and the Great Migration. Yes they will be comfortable, but they are also going to be actively hiking up mountains in search of our genetic cousins.
I have been fortunate to have some amazing adventures in my life and I have no intention of stopping now, but admit a nice glass of wine, a hot shower and a toilet that flushes at the end of the day is also a great way to cap off an adventure.
So while our joints may creak and pop a little more, and while we may not want to hang out in the local bar until all hours of the night I quote one Dylan who said “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” And to quote the other Dylan I say “May you stay forever young.”