In the past I have written about having a cheetah at our house to support the Cheetah Conservation Fund (you can read it here). I have also written about my visit to the Cheetah Conservation Fund headquarters in Namibia. Both of those events inspired me and convinced me that CCF is doing some amazing work to save an incredible animal of which there are only about 10,000 left on our planet. These endangered cats desperately need to be saved.
I was very surprised and honored when I returned from Africa this past month and found a letter from CCF asking me to serve on the Board of Trustees of CCF ( I feel very lucky to be asked to serve this worthwhile organization. Giving back to the gracious and wonderful people of Africa through our dog collar program is rewarding. This is the perfect compliment as it allows me to give back to another important group – the wildlife that provides the main reason people want to go to Africa with me.
Last week I attended my first Board of Directors meeting in Washington DC. We also had an incredible Gala with CCF founder Dr. Laurie Marker and a special guest – Jacob a cheetah from the Columbus, Ohio zoo who graciously agreed to pose for photos. I am lucky to work with a great staff and a fascinating and prestigious group of people who sit on the board. They come from a variety of disciplines – tech, publishing, business, government and science.
I am excited to help CCF meet its goals. We have lots of great initiatives planned. If you want to support an organization that is wisely using its funds to do the best work necessary to save these graceful and majestic animals then contact me or visit the CCF web site. Your support will be greatly appreciated.