In the Cape Town area there are many amazing crafts people. But no visit to Cape Town is complete without a visit to Monkey Biz. Started in 1999 this non-profit business pays women immediately for their incredible beaded work and requires every artist to have a bank account where money is deposited and providing economic security for these amazing artists.
I love beads and my own giving back programs have involved beads (Dog Collars for Africa) but these works of art are truly unique. I learned that traditionally beads have been used to adorn the body but also as a means of economic exchange between locals and foreigners. Did you know that different colors of beads have different meanings? For example, pink denotes poverty. Thus if someone gives you some pink beads it could mean that you are poor and not worthy of marriage.
So if you get a pink doll from Monkey Biz from your beloved I would start asking questions.