The Far South of Chile

Adventures Already Starting During My First Night in Punta Arenas As part of my trip at the invitation of the Chilean Government, which I mentioned in my previous blog post, I traveled to the town of Punta Arenas. It is the southernmost city in Chile. In my first 24 hours there I was already involved […]

Not Africa – But Chile!

Not Jambo but Hola. Just yesterday I returned from one week in the beautiful country of Chile. At the invitation of the Chilean Government I was invited to visit the southernmost region of Chile – Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego – to learn about the area and explore some tourist development ideas. The area we went […]

I Have It, But Did I Pack It?

I am very excited because this weekend I will be departing for Puntas Arenas, Chile, the southernmost city in the world, at the invitation of the Chilean Government to learn about tourism opportunities in this remote part of South America. I am sure I will have much to say on my return but what is […]

We Are Touched From Everything That Happens in the World

In chaos theory, the “butterfly effect” theorizes that a small change at one place can result in large differences to a later state. The name of the effect, coined by American mathematician Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical example of a hurricane’s formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped […]

A Different Kind of Safari Walk

One of the things that is a lot of fun on safari is to go on a walking safari out in the bush.  The opportunity to stroll in the bush perhaps close to some zebras or elephants close by is an awe-inspiring experience. I live in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles in […]