Generally it’s bad news when you hear that someone’s business is folding, but in this case it’s good news — for kayakers.
When I travel and I am going to be by the water I will always look for an opportunity to paddle – even if it is a dugout with a stick and tin paddle as I did in West Africa. The challenge is will there be boats to paddle there? I certainly cannot take my kayak on a plane (it is 17 feet long and is over 50 lbs.). While there are folding kayaks (which I have paddled) and they are pretty compact, they are also pretty pricey and I have been told can be time consuming to assemble.
Could there now be a solution? A fellow paddler of mine sent me a link the other day about an “origami kayak” – yeah right I thought. Then I saw the video. I want one! Created by a designer by the name of Anton Willis the “Oru Kayak” is the world’s first origami kayak. Looking like a large artist’s portfolio case, the boat folds out and together into a beautiful simple but elegant kayak for paddling around. According to David Lang who was lucky enough to paddle one it takes about 10 minutes to assemble and he stayed nice and dry during his paddle. You can read his article here.
The boats are expected to be sold for about $500. Check out the video in the link above and watch it being assembled. Elegant is the word that comes to mind. I admire great design and Mr. Willis has certainly done that.
I am now picturing myself getting on a plane to Tahiti with a small bag of clothes and my kayak (what more do I need?). I can’t wait to explain to a local custom official that this plastic thing on my shoulder is a kayak!