I love it when you meet nice creative people who do a great job. I was very fortunate to meet by email Peter Tranter who publishes a beautiful Ezine called ThePaddler Ezine
Peter and I emailed back and forth and I wrote an article for him. He then asked me to send him some photos, which I did. Little did I know what he would do with the information I sent him!
Peter created a beautiful wonderful spread on kayaking in Tanzania. With pictures (including one of yours truly) and his great edits he captured the essence of kayaking in Tanzania. But The Paddler is chock full of other great articles as well.
You can find all of the issues of Peter’s magazine here – http://issuu.com/thepaddler/docs/. However, be sure to check out this link http://issuu.com/thepaddler/docs/thepaddler_5 to see what a beautiful job he did!
Thank you Peter. And for all you kayakers (and non-kayakers as well) out there check it out. It is good reading (if I do say so myself).