Birds! Birds! Birds! Not The Big 5 But the Little Hundreds

  Everyone who goes on a wildlife safari wants to see the Big 5. That is Elephants, Lions, Buffalo, Leopards and Rhino. They are called the Big 5 because they were at a time the 5 most difficult animals to hunt on foot. Now they are the ones that everyone wants to see on the […]

Snakes on a Safari? No, But You Can See Them At The Los Angeles Zoo!

I thought I would interrupt my travelogue about my latest trip to Africa to tell you about a really neat exhibit I saw this past week. Whenever I talk to people about coming to Africa the first question I get asked is “is it safe?” As stated in a previous blog post here Is it […]

I Saw An Elephant in our Safari Camp (And this time I know how he got there)

Sometimes on game drives you forget you are in the wild and that these animals are not tame. Driving up to a pride of lions you sometimes think you could get out of the car and pet the “nice kitties.” To do so would quickly make you a snack. But what really drives the point […]

On to Wildlife Safaris In Selous & Ruaha in Tanzania

After several great days in Namibia including the last night at a beautiful guest house in Windhoek owned by Matiti Tours (a great place to stay) I was ready to start the second leg of my trip. Now on to the place I love and know best, Tanzania. This time I was visiting a part […]

Go Chester Go!

How often does one get an opportunity to help a cheetah start a new life back in the wild? While at CCF Laurie Marker asked if I wanted to help relocate “Chester.” And unite him with his 4 brothers. How could one say no to that? What CCF does is help cheetahs get ready to […]

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!

As the Southern California Chapter Chair of the Explorers Club I have the privilege of meeting some amazing people.  One of those amazing people is Dr. Laurie Marker who runs the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia.  I met Laurie a couple of years ago at an Explorers Club function in New York and then my […]

Meet the Himba

As we continued to make our way up north we saw two Himba women sitting by the side of the road with their children selling some jewelry. Himba women wear little clothing, and elegantly decorate their hair. But what is really distinctive is that they have a red tinge to their skin. The reason is […]

What Is One of the Things That Makes Travel Great? GREAT FOOD!

As part of our entourage on our trip we had with us a brother and sister team from the Herero tribe – Boas and Sonya. Boas was very informative and helpful in translating for us. However, three times a day it was Sonya who brought a smile to our faces. Every morning Sonya would put […]